4th Cruise for Cancer Ride – January 28, 2023
2023 Northwoods Cruise for Cancer
Mark your calendars for Saturday, January 28, 2023 for the 4th Northwoods Cruise for Cancer!
This year’s event will begin and end at Oakfire Pizza on Lake Minocqua. We are looking for volunteers – helping with donations and sponsors as well as working the day of the event – handling raffles, registration and ride leaders.
To volunteer, please contact:
Debbie Rohowetz – 636-938-3646 or rohowetzdebbie@gmail.com
Ed Rohowetz – 314-393-7890 or midtwin5998@gmail.com
The website for the Cruise for Cancer is open to register as a rider, purchase lunch, T-shirts, and to donate:  marshfieldclinic.org/ giving/special-events
Attached are 2 documents you may use to mail in donations and what the event is all about.
Thank you for your participation!
Ed and Debbie Rohowetz
Chairs, Northwoods Cruise for Cancer