Additional Volunteers Needed for Beef-A-Rama

Dear Members:

Some of you already know that the Minocqua Forest Riders help the Rotary Club during Beef-A-Rama.  We are responsible for set-up and tear-down of the beer garden tent as well as helping with sandwich and beverage sales.  In return, the Rotary Club donates $15 per hour per person to the club for the help we provide!

Many of you have already volunteered, so there is no need to respond if you have already reached out, but we do need more volunteers!

Below is an outline of the help we are looking for:

Friday, 9/23 (8:00a – ~10:00a or 11:00a)

  •  Beer Garden Tent Set-up

Saturday, 9/24 (2 hr. – 4 hr. shifts available beginning at 7:00a until ~10:00p)

  • Food/Beverage Set-Up
  • Sandwich Sales
  • Beverage Sales
  • Greeters
  • Groundskeeper (empty & pickup garbage around the tents)
  • Food/Beverage Shut-Down

Sunday, 9/25 (8:00a – ~10:00a)

  • Beer Garden Tent Tear-down & pack-up


If you are interested in any capacity listed above, please reach out to either: