MFR Snowmobile Safe Riders Program "Ride Right"

We are pleased to be launching our new Safe Riders Program called "Ride Right" to you. This safety awareness initiative directly supports our clubs mission statement; To stimulate and advance the general welfare and safety of snowmobiling. The goal of this initiative is to inform, educate and promote a safe and responsible snowmobile riding culture for todays' and future snowmobilers here in the Northwoods of Wisconsin.

We have carefully culminated a collection of materials and information about snowmobiling safety that can be referenced and shared with family and friends 24/7. Even if you've been sledding for years, it cannot hurt to refresh yourself on hand signals, sledding at night, etc. It's especially important to ensure that our young riders are also apprised of how to ride safely.

Please Ride Right!


Safety Education Courses


This Little Brown Sign Could Save Your Life

Oneida County Snowmobile Clubs have placed brown numbered signs, at key intersections, through their trail systems.

In the event of an emergency and when you call 911, the operator will ask you for this number. Their emergency response system can identify these numbers and give important location information to rescue personnel.

Please Make a Note of These Intersection Numbers As You Travel Our Trail System.


Snowmobile Safety


Safe Riders! Snowmobile Safety Video Collection

The Safe Riders! Snowmobile Safety Awareness materials were produced through a partnership between the American Council of Snowmobile Associations (ACSA), the Intl. Assoc. of Snowmobile Admin. (IASA), and the Intl. Snowmobile Manufacturers Assoc (ISMA) with financial assistance from the Recreational Trails Program administered by the U.S. Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
