Updated Trail Report – 02-27-2020

Curt Christensen, President
I had a great ride today on most of our Forest Rider trails and found that my 600R E-Tec engine stayed as cool as a cucumber with scratchers up during the whole ride.  The trail concerns outlined in Tuesday’s report haven’t changed.

Here are my observations of the trails I rode today:

Corridor 10, west of Squirrel Lake Rd (TIN-610) is in excellent condition.

Trail 5, Trail 7 and Trail G is in excellent condition

Trail 5A is in Very Good Condition (be aware that the road south the Pier Lake has very little snow on it).

Corridor 12, west of Trail L (TIN-676) is in Very Good Condition (the Kennedy Fire Lane between TIN-658 and TIN-676 has been plowed most of the season, has less snow on it and is somewhat bumpy; ride with caution).

Trail BB, Trail 9 and Corridor 10, east of Squirrel Lake Rd (TIN-610) is in good condition.

Corridor 12, east of Trail L (TIN-676) is in Good Condition (the trail is becoming very thin in some of the corners and dirt patches are beginning to be exposed).

I didn’t travel on the Club Lake Trails (C, D, P, J, R or S) so I prefer not to comment on them at this time. If you ride these trails this weekend, please
contact Tom Teichmiller at tomteichmiller@hotmail.com or with a text message to (715) 892-5642 with your observations. Thanks!

Trail Closings:
• Trail 5 from Willow Road (TIN-525) to the Spillway (TIN-524)
• Trail A

Weather Outlook: The temperatures are expected to stay below freezing through early Sunday morning. A warming trend (37 to 42 degrees) will move into the area during the day Sunday and continue through Wednesday when there is a chance of 1 to 3 inches of snow predicted in the evening.

Grooming operations will continue on an “as needed” basis
This Internet Site Shows When Trails Have Recently Been Groomed:
