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Membership term runs yearly from May 1 through April 30
The Minocqua Forest Riders maintain 161 miles of snowmobile trails in the area. Our members are from many areas all over Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa & Michigan as well as throughout Oneida and Vilas Counties.
161 Miles of Groomed Trails
Help Support Our Trails
The Minocqua Forest Riders maintain 161 miles of snowmobile trails in the area. Our members are from many areas all over Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa & Michigan as well as throughout Oneida and Vilas Counties. These legendary Northwood Trails are groomed almost daily with a priority for weekend traffic. Our trail system connects Minocqua to Price County (Pike Lake Area) on the West, North to Lac Du Flambeau (Lake of The Torches Casino and Resort), East to Minocqua, Woodruff, and Lake Tomahawk, and South to the Willow Flowage Area!!!
Always remember to stay on the trail - many miles are private property, and land owners allow us to be there! It is a privilege that can be taken away if we are disrespectful!!